Disaster Risk Gateway is undergoing development. During this period pages will change and there may be short outages.

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Revision as of 11:16, 18 July 2024 by Myriad-admin (talk | contribs)
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Anyone with relevant knowledge of multi-hazard, multi-risk assessment and management approaches can create or edit pages in Disaster Risk Gateway.

To get started you need to read the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice, then create a user account. Only registered users can add to the wiki.

Instructions on how to request an account, create and edit pages are given below. Please note that if you choose to contribute content you confirm that you have read and agree to abide by the Disaster Risk Gateway Terms of Use. All content is checked by the admin team and anything not meeting the content standards will be removed.

Request an account

Watch the Disaster Risk Gateway - How to create an account video walkthrough to see how to become a registered user or follow the instructions below.

How to request an account and log in

Step 1: Click on Request account, or click on the person icon in the banner at the top of the page and select Request account.

Step 2: Enter a username and your email address, then click Request account. Read the Privacy Notice and Terms of Use before requesting an account.

Step 3: After requesting an account you will receive an email entitled 'Account creation for Disaster Risk Gateway' stating:

An account for Disaster Risk Gateway (<https://disasterriskgateway.net/index.php/Main_Page>) named "Username" has been created for your email address with the temporary password "xxxxxxxxxxxx".

You should log in and change your password now.

Use this to log in to Disaster Risk Gateway then follow the prompt to change your password.

Step 4: Email notification preferences. Click on the person icon in the banner at the top of the page and select Preferences to make changes to your user profile and set email notifications.

Adding a new page

Follow the steps in the box below to create a new page describing an approach (platform, framework, method, model, tool) for multi-hazard rosk assessment or management. New pages can be added to Multi-hazard Risk Assessment or Multi-hazard Risk Management.

Create a new page
  1. Type the title of your new page into the Search box in the banner at the top of the screen. This should be the name of the approach or resource you are adding. N.B. Once the page has been created the title cannot be changes. If you have made an error please create a new page and email disasterriskgateway@bgs.ac.uk to ask to have the incorrect page removed.
  2. A search results page will open that states that there are no results for the text you typed. Below this you will see the text: 'Create the page TITLE OF YOUR NEW PAGE on this wiki'.
  3. Click on the TITLE OF YOUR NEW PAGE (which will appear red). This will create the page and open it with an editor window, ready for you to add content to.

To add content to your new page copy the template from the dropdown box below then copy it and paste into the editor window of your new page. Replace where it says ADD TEXT HERE with your own.

To be able to navigate to your page from the home page replace CategoryPageName at the bottom of the template with Multi-hazard Risk Assessment‏‎ or Multi-hazard Risk Management‏‎, as appropriate. The number of available categories will be expanded in the future. To view an example of a completed page see here

Page template
<div style="text-align:justify">
'''Year of publication''': ADD TEXT HERE

'''Access''': ADD TEXT HERE

'''Link''': ADD TEXT HERE

'''Organisation(s) / Author(s)''': ADD TEXT HERE



'''Technical considerations''':





Disaster Risk Gateway has been created using MediaWiki, just like Wikipedia. This software uses Wikitext, which consists of syntax and keywords to format pages. The template includes all necessary formatting but if you wish to include something else, e.g. bullet points, then this can be done using HTML elements. See the Basic formatting box below or visit the Wikitext page on Wikimedia for more general information about formatting wiki pages.

Basic formatting

Disaster Risk Gateway has been created using MediaWiki, just like Wikipedia. This software uses Wikitext, which consists of syntax and keywords to format pages.

The Disaster Risk Gateway uses a template for creating new pages to ensure:

  • that all wiki users can feel confident in creating new pages
  • consistent formatting
  • consistent subheadings in pages.

The template is available in the box below. When you create a new page please copy this template into the editing window and replace where it says ADD TEXT HERE with your own. To view an example of a completed page see here.

Formatting Type Result
Bold text
Italic text
Bold and italic text
<q>This is a quotation</q>
This is a quotation
Coloured text
<span style="color: fuchsia">fuchsia text</span>
fuchsia text
Justify text
<div style="text-align:justify">
Text that needs justified alignment for example a description of the approach </div>
Text that needs justified alignment for example a description of the approach
Bullet list
* start line with asterisk then a space before text
  • start line with asterisk then a space before text
Number list
# start line with hashtag (number sign) then a space before text
  1. start line with hashtag (number sign) then a space before text
Internal links
[[Main Page]]
Main Page
Internal links with specified text
[[Main_Page|My name]]
My name
External link (URLs are automatically linked)
External link with specified text
[https://www.myriadproject.eu/ MYRIAD-EU project]
MYRIAD-EU project

Edit an existing page

  1. On the page you wish to edit click the Edit icon in the top banner of the page. You can then make your changes to the text in the editor window that opens.
  2. Click on Show preview at the bottom of the editor window to review your changes / additions. Please be aware of copyright and ensure you have not directly copied any text from a source without permission. Any contributions you make to Disaster Risk Gateway are with the understanding that all materials you provide (text, images etc.) will be publicly available and are required to follow the content standards. See Terms of Use.
  3. Click on Save changes when you are finished editing.

Add a resource

We are currently creating procedures for adding resources to Disaster Risk Gateway. In the meantime if you have a resource that you would like to see added to the site, please email the name, link and any other important details and the admin team will ensure a page is created and linked on the Resources page.

This site is hosted by the British Geological Survey but responsibility for the content of the site lies with the MYRIAD-EU project, not with the British Geological Survey. Questions, suggestions, or comments regarding the contents of this site should be directed to DisasterRiskGateway@bgs.ac.uk.