
From Disaster Risk Gateway

Year of publication: 2023

Access: The RiskScapeTM engine is open-source for research purposes only, freely downloadable from the website. RiskScape is run from the command line, with the ability to run simple deterministic models on a laptop to running computationally-intensive probabilistic models on a cluster. A model platform and graphical user interface (GUI) will be released mid-2023.

Link: https://riskscape.org.nz/

Organisation(s) / Author(s): National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA), New Zealand; Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd (GNS), New Zealand, Toka Tū Ake EQC.


RiskScapeTM is geospatial data processing software that lets users assess multi-hazard risk to buildings, infrastructure and people. The engine allows any hazard model input, including flood, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, landslide, sea level rise, or cyclone. The framework enables users to build a simple risk model using a wizard, which guides users through questions about their input files and modelling requirements. RiskScape is customisable, enabling users to adapt the risk analysis for their data, functions, and needs. Advanced users can also build their own risk models using Python, through development of “model pipelines”.

Input files include spatial information about the hazard(s), for example the hazard type, metric intensity and temporal occurrence; spatial exposure data; and mathematical vulnerability functions. File formats include GIS files such as shapefiles, rasters, CSV and netCDF . Risk functions are used to assess the impact a hazard has on an element at risk, such as estimating loss or calculating costs.

A comprehensive user guide is provided on the website: https://riskscape.org.nz/docs/index.html A number of case studies can be found here: https://community.riskscape.org.nz/

Technical considerations

RiskScape is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool, therefore users are expected to have a working knowledge of using the command line. A GUI is currently being developed.

A wizard may be used to guide the user through the input data and model requirements, and the process is carries out using its own scripting language. Users can write their own risk functions in Python depending on their needs.

Input files types include shapefiles, rasters, CSV and netCDF.

RiskScape can be run on a laptop to carry out simple deterministic modelling, or it can run computationally intensive, highly parallelised processing of datasets.


multi-hazard risk analysis; impact analysis; loss modelling