Disaster Risk Gateway is undergoing development. During this period pages will change and there may be short outages.


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  • Anyone who comes to the meeting is free to use the information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made any particular comment (Chatham House Rules)
  • Please be respectful of others opinions
  • The meeting will not be recorded, but we will save the Q&A, chat, questions, mentimeter and Padlet results (not linked to any participant names)
  • Please make sure that your microphones are muted.
  • During the Q & A and discussion sessions in Part 2 please click the raise hand button if you would like to say something then unmute your microphone once the facilitator calls on you.
  • Ask questions at anytime by writing them in the Questions document or in the Q & A box in Zoom. These will be answered directly or in the Q & A session in Part 2.
  • Before submitting any content please read the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice. If you choose to contribute content you confirm that you have read and agree to abide by the Disaster Risk Gateway Terms of Use.

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