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(Compound) Relationships

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Two different natural hazards that impact the same time period and spatial area. Compound hazards can have a footprint with spatial and temporal characteristics that differs from the component single hazards.


Tilloy, A., Malamud, B., & Joly-Laugel, A. (2021). A Methodology for the Spatiotemporal Identification of Compound Hazards: Wind and Precipitation Extremes in Great Britain (1979–2019). Earth System Dynamics Discussions, 1-45.

Zscheischler, J., Westra, S., Van Den Hurk, B.J., Seneviratne, S.I., Ward, P.J., Pitman, A., AghaKouchak, A., Bresch, D.N., Leonard, M., Wahl, T. and Zhang, X., 2018. Future climate risk from compound events. Nature Climate Change, 8(6), pp.469-477.

See also: Multi-Hazard

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