Disaster Risk Gateway is undergoing development. During this period pages will change and there may be short outages.


From Disaster Risk Gateway
Revision as of 15:20, 31 August 2022 by Myriad-admin (talk | contribs)
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The structure of Disaster Risk Gateway has been written by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and initial content was provided by MYRIAD-EU project partners. To ensure that it meets the needs of users, the content, layout and structure of the wiki will be reviewed throughout the duration of the MYRIAD-EU project and updated as appropriate.

We invite users of Disaster Risk Gateway to give feedback and comments using the form below or by email.

Feedback will be used to help inform future versions of Disaster Risk Gateway.

   {{#CI form: title = Feedback Form - in preparation!
   {{#CI form section: type = inputs 
   | What type of user are you? e.g. Risk analyst, modeler, academic, civil protection []
   | What sector are you from? e.g. Insurance, Agriculture, Transport, Governance []
   | For what purpose did/do you intend to use the Disaster Risk Gateway? []
   {{#CI form section: type = inputs
   | title = What device(s) did you view Disaster Risk Gateway on?
   | type = multiple choice
   | max answers=4
   | Phone
   | Tablet
   | Laptop 
   | Desktop 
   {{#CI form section: type = inputs 
   | Did you find Disaster Risk Gateway useful? []
   | Did you find Disaster Risk Gateway easy to navigate? If not please explain why not []
   | Is it clear and easy to understand how to contribute to the Disaster Risk Gateway? If not please  
     explain why not[]
   {{#CI form section: type = inputs
   |title = Do you have any other comments, thoughts or recommendations? (5000 characters max)
   | [textarea=5000] *