Disaster Risk Gateway is undergoing development. During this period pages will change and there may be short outages.


From Disaster Risk Gateway
Revision as of 15:09, 22 July 2022 by Myriad-admin (talk | contribs)
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The structure of Disaster Risk Gateway has been written by the British Geological Survey (BGS) and initial content was provided by MYRIAD-EU project partners. To ensure that it meets the needs of users, the content, layout and structure of the wiki will be reviewed throughout the duration of the MYRIAD-EU and updated as appropriate.

To help inform future versions of Disaster Risk Gateway, we invite users to give feedback using the form below or, alternatively, by contacting us by email.

   {{#CI form: title = Feedback form - to be constructed!
   | type = inputs
   | submit = DisasterRiskGateway@bgs.ac.uk
   | q1 [] *
   | q2 [] *
   | q3 [tel]
   | free text [textarea]  *