Scoping study on compound, cascading and systemic risks in Asia-Pacific

From Disaster Risk Gateway

Year of publication: 2022

Access: Open access


Organisation(s) / Author(s): United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, Pacific Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (AP-STAG)


Report on the scoping study on compound, cascading and systemic risks in the Asia-Pacific’, undertaken by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific and the Asia Pacific Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (AP-STAG). The report:

  • maps available work on compound, cascading and systemic risks
  • highlights terminologies, concepts and risk features
  • analyses compound, cascading and systemic risks
  • proposes 6 basic principles for management of compound, cascading and systemic risks
  • identifies gaps in current understanding and management of these risks
  • identifies lessons learnt
  • develops a framework for strengthening governance of compound, cascading and systemic risks in the Asia Pacific region and offers thematic recommendations at local, national and regional scales.

Technical considerations

Not applicable


compound; cascading; systemic