INTELLIGENT multi-risk
Year of publication: 2023
Access: Open access publication
Organisation(s) / Author(s): Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics; Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies Division
INTELLIGENT multi-risk (i.e., InNovaTive machinE Learning methodoLogy to assess multi-rIsk dynamics under climate chanGe futurE coNdiTions) aims at evaluating the impacts of multi-risk events at the regional (sub-national) scale, and predicting risk scenarios based on future climate change projections. Taking as input hazard, exposure and vulnerability features from both historical observations and future projections, the INTELLIGENT multi-risk allows to: analyse the multi-hazard footprint at different spatio-temporal scales; identify the most influencing factors triggering multiple risks; estimate the effect of climate change on risks scenarios.
Technical considerations
Not applicable
multi-risk; multi-risk scenarios; climate change